olivia sky

olivia sky

Monday, April 21, 2014

"A person is a person, no matter how small." -Dr. Seuss

Dear Cate and Olivia,

I am writing to you both on Olivia's blog because I know baby V is very dear to Olivia's heart. 

On February 6, mommy and daddy found out we would be having another baby to love.  First we told Olivia.  Olivia wanted to know if it could be a boy.  Also, could he be black?

Mommy felt very sick for awhile, but then I didn't feel sick anymore.  So we went to the doctor for an ultrasound.  Cate sat on my legs while we watched.  Then, the room became very quiet.  Our ultrasound tech stammered for words and Cate looked up at me with her big eyes, then rested her head in my lap.  Olivia quickly forgot what we were watching and listening for, and started asking the tech questions.  "Are you the doctor?"

Olivia, for weeks it seemed you forgot all about the baby in mommy's tummy.

Until today.

"Mommy, can I have a baby brother?"
You have a baby sister instead.
"Do boys cost too much money?"
We just have the girls God gave us.
"Where did the baby go from your tummy?"
Well sometimes babies go straight to heaven instead of being born.
"Did the baby died?"
Olivia, when you were a baby you grew bigger.  This baby didn't get bigger, but the little baby went to heaven.
"Oh.  I want to go there too."

Olivia and Cate, there is nothing I want more for you than to have Christ be the Lord of your lives.  Dad and I pray this salvation and eternal peace for you every day. 

Then, when we get to heaven, we can all meet this little black brother of yours;)
